Oct 26, 2004

Electorial College

The margin of error in this election is so slim that I am afraid that very soon it is going to come down to that single "swing voter". "They" (whoever "they" are) have identified swing states, counties and zip codes, I am sure, they know which houses within those zip codes are "swing homes" and in that swing home lives that final frontier of glorious indecision the aforementioned "swing voter". Despite 3 debates, two party conventions and one billions dollars in advertising campaigns, swing voters have not made up their minds. I say bravo, but we are not going to McDonalds together anytime time soon (the menu is too complex and I can't afford the cost involved in trying to get them to decide) here lies the true beauty of communism, it is either Lenin or after he dies Stalin, one party, one leader, and one choice. All not in support will be eliminated, their images and deeds erased from all the books, pictures and records. Now that is "gangsta" but thank God not true in this country. I know that the right to choose can sometimes be overstated, I mean, really, what is difference between the clogged arteries and heart attack that I will get from smoking a Marlboro Light and the one that I get from eating a whooper? But at least I get to decide which set of shareholders will share the blame for my failing health, while meeting their revenue targets. Let me be clear here, it is important to take as much time as you need to make up your mind when choosing your next pair of sneakers, if you make the wrong decision you will be stuck with sorry kicks for the whole summer and that will be a tragedy. So all you swing voters out there, please take your time and make right decision, if the time comes and you are still not sure, do what I do, flip a coin. As a last word here is a poem of unknown origin, from an author that never published.

“I don't want to talk
Wait, I feel like a chat.

I need to get up
But I want to lie down.

T-shirt or jumper?
I've change my mind I'll wear a shirt.

I want to stand up
No, I want to sit there
I'm even indecisive about the chair.

I've got myself in to a state
My life is ruled by a split decision.”

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