Nov 3, 2004

The people have spoken!

A general feeling of hopelessness has taken a hold of my heart and has refused to let go. The pain is real and it is here to stay. As the first set of results came in, I felt like I was stranded on a window ledge 10 stories high, holding on for all I was worth but that my strength was gradually sipping away, I was beginning to acknowledge that the fall was inevitable but still I held out hope that something would happen to change my luck, that this could not be it, it was not destined to end this way. The results from the elections are finally in and is already apart of history, I can’t bring myself to read the papers or browse the web. For now I am sticking to the sports section in the newspaper, the results in there are easier to deal with. I don’t know if there are other people who feel the same way about the outcome of the election as I do, for as much as I want to share the experience, I find that I can’t, the pain is too numbing and the feeling of emptiness too large to be put into words. Where do we go from here? I have always believed in the fairness of the system and in the collective intelligence of the American public, it was too well educated to be hoodwinked into making a choice based on rhetoric but right now I don’t know, my faith has been shaken. I cannot fathom how based on the facts that we know, and the events of the last four years, this could possibly be the best choice for the country. Yes the masses have spoken and the will of the majority should always prevail, thus is the power of democracy. I will have to reevaluate the circumstances that led to my conviction that the current outcome was the least likely of the two possibilities. This is a distinct victory for pollsters, handlers, people managers and spin masters everywhere. It proves once and for all that if you to say the same thing over and over again, enough times, loud enough, people will begin to believe it to be the truth.