Oct 27, 2004

The Hunt

The concept here, is more or less guerilla job hunting. Land the job you want, when you want, at the salary you want. The idea is to take the guess work out of the job hunt, to place power where it firmly belongs, in the hands of the unemployed.

The first step would have to be to correct the attitude with which applicants approach the "hunt". Listen, it is called a hunt, so act like a hunter not the hunted, if you act like a shy lion you will get no respect from the deer. You will never see a lion jog after it's meal, it not out there running after deer for the exercise, you most act like you want it and that this is your last chance to get it. Plan your interview, like you are planning an attack on terrorists, take nothing for granted, and cover all the obvious questions. Why do you want to work here? What made you choose this profession? What makes you the right person for this job? Do you have a track record of being successful doing this?

Then there are the not so obvious situations. Like how will you react to different personality types at the interview table. If they are the shy type then don't push, if your interviewer is the aggressive type match their energy.

Apply the laws of supply and demand to your interview, you are in demand and they want your services as much as you want to work for them. To achieve this you most make them sell the company and the job to you. Ask questions about the job, the growth prospects, the hiring manager, why they have a vacancy. Make sure you come across as being interested in knowing if the job is as good a fit for you, as you are for it.

Go over your resume like you were going to hire yourself and see what questions occur to you. Try to have an answer for everything, if you don't know? Smile and say "interesting question" and then duck your head under the table (joke).

If you are being interviewed on the phone speak slowly and keep your answers short, remember the poor sap on the other end is trying to write down your words of wisdom as you speak. And if all else fails, just look them in the eye and say "blessed are the givers, for they shall receive much in return"(another lame joke, sorry could not help myself ). This could be interpreted as an attempt to bribe but if certain failure calls for desperate measures, a lame joke is hardly the worst you could do. Smile, you got this. 

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