Oct 20, 2004

Clutter your mind, it helps.

It’s Wednesday, that means that you survived Monday, the change in circumstances in one's life can be day to day or if you are a politician poll to poll. How many litters in a barrel, I wonder? I guess that, (of course) would depend on the size of the barrel, a barrel of crude oil now costs $54.00, with gas at $2.00 a gallon. Every time I fill up my tank I complain, yet I paid $2.09 for 24 ounces of beer and believed it was cheap. “Most oil-producing nations are also rife with corruption” this is from today’s news on yahoo, when crude oil production is the only viable industry in an economy, I guess it is kind of hard to stay clean, literally. (Reuters) – “J.P. Morgan Chase Profit Falls 13 Percent-the No. 2 U.S. bank, reported quarterly net income of $1.42 billion”. Hmm......Funny, I can think of a few countries that would be glad to make that much in a year. Makes you think doesn’t it, here is a bank that charges you $12.50 per month to hold your money, $1.50 for withdrawing your money and $1.00 for writing a check against the balance in your account, yet they declare a billions dollars net income! in a down quarter, no less!
Remember, let you mind wonder, there are places in your thoughts that you have not visited YET. That said, visit the link below.

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