Feb 9, 2010

Jobs you don't want

This is mostly for the benefit of my “unaffiliated” friends, for the esoteric, this is an obvious one. Beware of the three hour job that pays $5K a month. Em…., it is not real. This has been out there for a while now, along with the lottery I won in England and the $5,000,000.00 Toyota was giving away in Hong Kong but if  I am still getting these, that means it is still working for the scammers  that send them out, hence the warning.   Even if nothing else, please pay heed to the language of the bogus offer, it’s all you need to tip you off.

And while we are on this topic, there are no Nigerian princes with millions of dollars to stash or crude oil procurement leases to sell and please in the name of God do not cash any over paid checks which requests you wire the difference.


Good time of a day dear Mr. NNADI ! -Em... yeah, whatever, but go on.

Our HR managers found your curriculum vitae on the Ladders. They looked through your curriculum vitae and work experience and highly recommends you for this work in our organization because your data is consistent with our requirements. We’d like to offer you a position of an Freelancer in our organization.  - Freelance what?

The given work consists of the following tasks:

- actual filing of reports on the carried out work - If this were legitimate, it would be cheaper to use a temp agency.
- record keeping of customers in the USA. - Same as above.

- business partners information support - Only God knows what this means, is it the same as customer service support or are we talking Database management or Is it Tech support?

- fulfillment of financial transactions on the territory of the USA - All over the USA? I would like to see their budget. Obviously they are using an auto filler to plug in the country, "territory of the  USA"?
You will receive more detailed instructions during an interview over the phone. -

Person specification :

- Age: starting from 25 - Age discrimination is against the law in the US, can't happen.

- Citizenship: US

- Time: must have from 3 to 5 hours of free time a day for carrying out his/her obligations. Payment for this work makes up to 5000USD per month. The payment will be carried out to your transaction account every month. There are many hunters willing to take up this vacancy therefore we’re kindly asking you not to delay with your decision about this work. - If there are that many people willing to do this job, why are they sending out emails to anonymous people that did not apply for the job?

If this work is interesting to you, then please follow these steps:

1) Register at our web-site. To do so click on this link . Please fill out every field correctly, since data will be checked by our security department. - Please do not do any such thing, your "data" is all they want from you.
2) Pass an interview over the phone.- Will never happen, nobody is calling you, if they do, it is to complete the scam.

3) Sign a contract with our organization. - How? Over the phone?

4) Send the signed contract via fax or email.- Right, employment by proxy i guess?

With best regards HR department of InterWeb Exchange
We’re looking forward to a long-term cooperation. - InterWeb exchange, how phony is that?

Edu Nnadi

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