Oct 29, 2010

Older Yes, But The Wisdom Is Missing.

So I am a year older; not wiser but definitely older. The year went by, the way it always goes by around here, in a blur. First I was complaining about my insurance, then I was noticing I would soon qualify for the senior citizen’s discount! I will soon be one of those old men driving 25 on a 55 and refusing to move over to the slow lane.

I already find my self complaining about the music, telling everybody that will listen that the music from my day was better. I call what they listen to now noise and tell them about the sweet harmony of Boyz to Men; these kids, they couldn’t care less.

So it came to pass that yesterday’s high fashion is today’s granny clothes but I have tried sagging my jeans and wearing torn shirts but I just end up feeling like a fool. Yes I still know all the brands and read all the mags but the clothes don’t feel right, except if they are formal or weekend gear, I am not even sure I still know how to dress for clubs. Growing up, cool youthful dressing was either Theo from “The Huxtables or Will from “The fresh prince of Bel Air”, nowadays it's "The Jonas Brothers".

How times have changed, now Will is a super duper movie star and Theo is selling Jamba Juice at 2.00 AM in infomercials on channel 3005.

It used to be that you showed up at a party; found a spot along the wall and proceeded to imagine what you could do to all the well dress women in the place. Now you show and immediately start networking, you never know when someone might be in position to be useful in the future.

I still run and play basketball or soccer or ice hockey or whatever is in season; but I notice I am the one complaining about all the calls at every game, more and more often. I was either fouled or I did not foul anyone, either way the game must stop so that I can adjust my breathing and stop that crazy pounding in my chest. I count my good weekends as any weekend I don’t have to have to attend a wedding, and look forward every Sunday to watching Andy Rooney round up 60 Minutes but if you have ever read anything I wrote, you already know all this.

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