Sep 5, 2008

One day in 2005

-Doctor Sued For Sex Treatment For Back Pain – AP 10/04/05 “An Oregon woman whose doctor convinced her that he could cure her back pain by having sex with her is suing him”. I am intrigued and impressed, at what point did she realize something was not quite right with the prescribed treatment, I can imagine the doctor saying “ma’am I am just doing this for your own good” and she reply's “actually doc, my back feels better already but my knees are killing me”. I don't truly believe anybody is that stupid, and depending on how good she looked, I might even be able to understand why the doctor tried to straighten that spine out with a “precise surgical instrument”. There is a cavalier part of every man that fantasizes about situations such as the one described above but to actually crossover and carryout those thoughts takes a special breed of scoundrel.
-At least 25 killed in Iraq mosque blast – AP 10/05/05 “A bomb exploded at the entrance of a Shiite Muslim mosque south of Baghdad as hundreds of worshippers gathered for prayers on the first day of Ramadan and for the funeral of a man killed in an earlier bombing”. The irony is almost too good to be true, initially they just crashed weddings, now they are crashing funerals as well, suicide bombers (is "suicide bomber" now one word or two? Can it be written as suicide-bombers? Also, is it a noun or an adjective? Does the word describe a section of the population or the activity of a section of the population? Anyway, I digress) now reign supreme in that part of the world. Everyday is about death, the news of death and the rumors of even more death to come. Every trip outside is an adventure in extreme living, funny how quickly we have all become used to “the situation in Iraq”. “Five solders killed in bomb blast”, we look at it, shake our heads in disgust, take a sip of coffee, it does not register anymore. Collective numbness to a dire and desperate problem that sadly, could have been avoided all together.
-Python Explodes After eating Alligator – AP 10/05/05 “A 13-foot Burmese python recently burst after it apparently tried to swallow a live, six-foot alligator whole, authorities said”. Now, that is an acute case of indigestion, this is one time when Pepto-Bismol will be useless. Apparently that exploding feeling in your stomach really could be your dinner coming out, the moral of this story? “Chose your lunch wisely”.

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